Rapid feedback webdev (with Reitit)


In the previous post, we got aquainted with closeables to manage runtime state in our Clojure programs. It worked like a charm, but it was (purposefully) very simple. In real world applications, it can be painful to stop and start a system every time you make a change (for example: if you need to populate a development database with a lot of data). That's why Integrant features a suspend/resume mechanism, to get a kind of "soft reload" of your system. Obviously, we cannot do that here, but let me share a DIY trick mentionned in the Reitit documentation that will help keep your feedback loop short as you are building a website or an api server. We'll then dig a little deeper into why it works and when it doesn't, so that you may reuse this pattern outside of webdev as well.

Simple routing fragments

For this example, we'll create a bunch of files to mimick a more complex project structure. The code is available in this repository. First, let's create a namespace where we'll put the incrementing counter function from the previous post.

(ns demo-closeable.deeply-nested)

(defn real-worldish-function [{:as _req :keys [counter]}]
  {:status 200
   :body (str "Real-worldish counter: " (swap! counter inc))})

(defn routes []
  ["/counter" real-worldish-function])

The counter atom is now retrieved through a custom key associated to the request argument. Notice that we provide a fragment of a Reitit routing table, but we do it in a seemingly strange way, by wrapping it in a routes function of no arguments. We'll explain why later. Let's add another namespace that will require the first one.

(ns demo-closeable.nested
  (:require [demo-closeable.deeply-nested :as deeply-nested]))

(defn routes []
  [["/ping" (fn [_req] {:status 200
                        :body "nested pong"})]
   ["/deeply-nested" (deeply-nested/routes)]])

Again, the same pattern. The routes function of the previous namespace is called inside the routing fragment of the current namespace. Let's go up another level, and create a namespace that will build the complete routing table.

Root handler

(ns demo-closeable.root-handler
  (:require [demo-closeable.nested :as nested]
            [reitit.ring :as rr]))

(defn complete-routes []
   ["/nested" (nested/routes)]
   ["/ping" (fn [_req] {:status 200
                        :body "pong"})]])

(defn inject-counter [counter]
  (fn [handler]
    (fn inject-counter-middleware [req]
      (handler (assoc req :counter counter)))))

(defn make [counter]
  (rr/ring-handler (rr/router (complete-routes))
                    {:not-found (constantly
                                 {:status 404
                                  :body "Real-worldish 404 page"})})
                   {:middleware [(inject-counter counter)]}))

(defn make-reloading [& args]
  (rr/reloading-ring-handler #(apply make args)))

Now, we get to more interesting functions:

Because we have made every routing fragment a function, when make is called on each request, it in turn call every one of them, and the resulting complete routing table will contain the last evaluated value of every routes and leaf handler, however nested they may be.

The system

And now, the entry point of the webserver:

(ns demo-closeable.meatier-webserver
  (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
            [demo-closeable.root-handler :as handler]))

(defn closeable
  ([value] (closeable value identity))
  ([value close]
     clojure.lang.IDeref (deref [_] value)
     java.io.Closeable (close [_] (close value)))))

(defn run-with-webserver [config f]
    [counter (closeable (atom 42))
     handler (closeable ((if (:dev config)
     webserver (closeable (run-jetty @handler {:port (:port config)
                                               :join? false})
                          #(.stop %))]
    (f @webserver)))

Compared to the previous post, the only difference here is the handler, where we check the config to decide which flavor of handler we want: (if (:dev config) handler/make-reloading handler/make). Use the new config parameter we introduced to launch the server:

(run-with-webserver {:port 54321 :dev true}
                    #(.join %))

Open http://localhost:54321/nested/deeply-nested/counter in your browser, you should see the new counter page.

Now, try changing and re-evaluating the leaf handlers and the routing fragments. You'll see that the changes are picked up as soon as you refresh the page in your browser. For my particular workflow with emacs and CIDER, that mean I will simply cider-eval-defun-at-point to re-evaluate the top-level form I'm currently editing, and then I can refresh the page in a browser for example.

To verify this behaviour a little more rigorously, we can write a test like this:

(ns demo-closeable.meatier-webserver-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is run-tests]]
            [demo-closeable.deeply-nested :as dn]
             :refer [run-with-webserver]]))

(deftest test-reloading-webserver
  (let [port 12345
        url (str "http://localhost:" port
     {:port port :dev true}
     (fn [_webserver]
       (is (= "Real-worldish counter: 43" (slurp url)))

       (let [original-function-value dn/real-worldish-function]
          (fn [_f] (fn [_req] {:status 200
                               :body "LOCALLY RELOADED!"})))

         (is (= "LOCALLY RELOADED!" (slurp url)))

         (alter-var-root #'dn/real-worldish-function
                         (fn [_f] original-function-value))

         (is (= "Real-worldish counter: 44" (slurp url))))))))

(comment (run-tests))

Where if falls short

To dig a little deeper, this works because when clojure functions are evaluated (which specifically means "compiled" by the Clojure compiler here), a distinction is made between symbols referencing global vars and others in the lexical scope. You can get the full picture by reading about Clojure's evaluation. When the function is invoked, every var in its body will be dereferenced (or "traversed"), so you will see the last evaluated value of those vars (unless you are compiling with direct-linking enabled, but that's not usually the case during development).

We can observe this difference when the value of a function is captured in the closure of another. Let's add an example of this to the deeply-nested namespace:

(ns demo-closeable.deeply-nested)

(defn real-worldish-function [{:as _req :keys [counter]}]
  {:status 200
   :body (str "Real-worldish counter: " (swap! counter inc))})

(defn example-fn [_]
  {:status 200
   :body "Re-evaluate me if you can!"})

(defn smug-middleware [handler]
  (fn inner-function [req]
    (update (handler req)
            :body str " -- Sent from my server. I use Clojure btw.")))

(def captured-fn (smug-middleware example-fn))

(defn routes []
  [["/counter" real-worldish-function]
   ["/closure-issue" captured-fn]])

Here, we "augmented" example-fn using the smug-middleware, and defed the result in the captured-fn var. If you make a change to example-fn and naively re-evaluate it, you will notice that the change is not picked up when you visit http://lol:54321/nested/deeply-nested/closure-issue. That is because the example-fn var is not in the body of the inner-function that was given to the routing fragment. If you need to convince yourself of this behaviour, try changing the middleware like so:

(defn smug-middleware [handler]
  (fn inner-function [req]
    (update (example-fn req)
            :body str " -- I like hammocks and private jokes.")))

Do a full namespace eval, or a full system reload, and then try changing and evaluating only example-fn again. This time, the change will be picked up. The indirection of the middleware is still the same, the only difference is that we did not use the handler value that was captured in the closure of the inner-function (which still contains the previous value). Instead, we directly used the var example-fn, which is dereferenced on every call of inner-function behind the scenes. To be more precise, it works because of the interning of vars. This is a really important thing to grasp, so be sure to also check this section of the official clojure REPL guide.

(If you are curious in seeing exactly how this plays out in the lower level code, you can use the clj-java-decompiler to compare the 2 functions, but it isn't vital to the point being made.)

Decompiled code

Here's the first version of the smug-middleware:

(require '[clj-java-decompiler.core :refer [decompile]])

(->> (defn smug-middleware [handler]
         (fn inner-function [req]
           (update (handler req)
                   :body str " -- Sent from my server. I use Clojure btw.")))
       (spit "/tmp/decompiled-original.java"))
// Decompiling class: demo_closeable/deeply_nested$smug_middleware
package demo_closeable;

import clojure.lang.*;

public final class deeply_nested$smug_middleware extends AFunction
    public static Object invokeStatic(final Object handler) {
        return new deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13650(handler);

    public Object invoke(final Object handler) {
        return invokeStatic(handler);

// Decompiling class: demo_closeable/deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13650
package demo_closeable;

import clojure.lang.*;

public final class deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13650 extends AFunction
    Object handler;
    public static final Var __update;
    public static final Keyword const__1;
    public static final Var __str;

    public deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13650(final Object handler) {
        this.handler = handler;

    public Object invoke(final Object req) {
        final IFn fn = (IFn)__update.getRawRoot();
        final Object invoke = ((IFn)this.handler).invoke(req);
        final Keyword const__1 = const__1;
        final Object rawRoot = __str.getRawRoot();
        final String s = " -- Sent from my server. I use Clojure btw.";
        this = null;
        return fn.invoke(invoke, const__1, rawRoot, s);

    static {
        __update = RT.var("clojure.core", "update");
        const__1 = RT.keyword(null, "body");
        __str = RT.var("clojure.core", "str");

Here's the second version of the smug-middleware

(->> (defn smug-middleware [handler]
         (fn inner-function [req]
           (update (example-fn req)
                   :body str " -- I like hammocks and private jokes.")))
       (spit "/tmp/decompiled-with-modification.java"))
// Decompiling class: demo_closeable/deeply_nested$smug_middleware
package demo_closeable;

import clojure.lang.*;

public final class deeply_nested$smug_middleware extends AFunction
    public static Object invokeStatic(final Object handler) {
        return new deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13666();

    public Object invoke(final Object handler) {
        return invokeStatic(handler);

// Decompiling class: demo_closeable/deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13666
package demo_closeable;

import clojure.lang.*;

public final class deeply_nested$smug_middleware$inner_function__13666 extends AFunction
    public static final Var __update;
    public static final Var __ddeeply_nested_example_fn;
    public static final Keyword const__2;
    public static final Var __str;

    public Object invoke(final Object req) {
        final IFn fn = (IFn)__update.getRawRoot();
        final Object invoke = __ddeeply_nested_example_fn.invoke(req);
        final Keyword const__2 = const__2;
        final Object rawRoot = __str.getRawRoot();
        final String s = " -- I like hammocks and private jokes.";
        this = null;
        return fn.invoke(invoke, const__2, rawRoot, s);

    static {
        __update = RT.var("clojure.core", "update");
        __ddeeply_nested_example_fn = RT.var("demo-closeable.deeply-nested", "example-fn");
        const__2 = RT.keyword(null, "body");
        __str = RT.var("clojure.core", "str");

Thanksfully, you will generally not be bothered by this particular use case as Reitit provides a more convenient way of applying middlewares to handlers in the routes data:

(defn routes []
  [["/counter" real-worldish-function]
   ["/alternative" {:middleware [smug-middleware]}
    ["" example-fn]]])

Now, all the vars are once again used directly in the body of the routes function, so any local re-evaluation will be picked up as expected. Still, as we tend to use a lot of higher-order functions, it is frequent to encounter a situation like this one. Often, we resign ourself to do full system reloads every-time, as we can't be bothered to check where exactly is the closed over value that is messing with our REPL workflow. And often, a little change in the code structure can fix it, and we are left wondering why did we not make that little change weeks or months ago. The price paid when you extend the duration of the feedback loop will compound quickly over time. I have been guilty of doing this too many times, so this post also exists to try to atone for my past sins. Let's be honest, I'll probably do it again. Shame on me.


We have illustrated a web project structure that allows for fast feedback without full system reloads. The structure should also be very easy to extend upon, adding new routes, handlers, or pieces of runtime state.

Vars are the unsung heroes of rapid-feedback worklow when doing Clojure. They are a lower level abstraction compared to a full "reloaded" workflow (Stuart Halloway gives a good comparison in his talk Running With Scissors). Although what this post showed was specific to Reitit, the only helper from the library we used is dead simple. This can probably be replicated with any routing library out there without altering the structure too much.